Saturday 15 December 2012

A Stellar Story

  1. The Beginning
In the beginning when the cosmos was covered in darkness the so called deficiency or absence of light, one of the very fundamental particle on which everything on earth now solely depends on. And suddenly there is a cataclysmic event which is now proved to be and is called as The Big Bang, happened bringing the universe in existence. It’s a whole different thing that what preceded the Big Bang Event. We will discuss that in a while, but now let’s talk what exactly happened after the big bang which is our key concern.
1.1.       How it happened.
The explosion happens and soon after that light comes into being, but there is no atmosphere, so u can’t hear the bang actually. But even though u were there and if u could have managed to exist that that place , the explosion would be so huge that it would seem to cover every little space that u see in front of you. It will be too hot to bear, the radiation reading in your giger counter will go off the chart, the blinding light will make your eyes numb forever.  But yet, matter is not formed. The universe is at its very early stage .
Temp:  above 1 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion… well in short it is too hot.  J
But then something happens , something that is responsible for the events that will happen hence forth.
The universe cools a little bit as the radiation dissipates gradually. The stuff cools down yet it fills the space in vast quantity and keeps on expanding and cooling as time passes on. At this moment the universe is expanding at a constant rate which we exactly don’t know but is estimates to be even in all directions.  In terms of astronomy it is called as Plank Epoch, which is thought to have taken place from T0 (beginning) till T-43 Seconds after The Big Bang

The Planck epoch is an era in traditional (non-inflationary) big bang cosmology in which the temperature is high enough that the four fundamental forces—electromagnetism, gravitation, weak nuclear interaction, and strong nuclear interaction—are all unified in one fundamental force. Little is understood about physics at this temperature, and different theories propose different scenarios. Traditional big bang cosmology predicts a gravitational singularity before this time, but this theory is based on general relativity and is expected to break down due to quantum effects. Physicists hope that proposed theories of quantum gravitation, such as string theory, loop quantum gravity, and causal sets, will eventually lead to a better understanding of this epoch. In inflationary cosmology, times prior to the end of inflation (roughly 10−32 seconds after the Big Bang) do not follow the traditional big bang timeline. The universe before the end of inflation is a near-vacuum with a very low temperature, and persists for much longer than 10−32 second. Times from the end of inflation are based on the big bang time of the non-inflationary big bang model, not on the actual age of the universe at that time, which cannot be determined in inflationary cosmology. Thus, in inflationary cosmology there is no Planck epoch in the traditional sense, though similar conditions may have prevailed in a pre-inflationary era of the universe. It just baffles the common logic that has been prevailing ever since.

Well...Lets come back to the story again... We shall be making these short tours to tell u some of the things in detail.

So sfter t-43 sec, the  the cooling continues further. The notion that VACCUME, thing that we prematurely know as to be empty space (I will also talk about the Schrodinger's cat experiment and later show you that how it was prooved that empty space is or was never empty.) starts to fill in with very very minute particles as per now i can't revel it to u it it has or what properties it has. But patience my friend. Teeming with activity. But now I think you might be thinking that the this is how the universe started it journey to what we see it now. Well my friend, however there contradictions to this. To clarify  let me give you an example. Consider the classroom where I am now writing this. Now, visualize that the tables, the chair the computer and the rest of the things is not there. Imagine this space is covered with grid lines, like those you have seen in graph papers, but imagine the three dimensional space in the class is filled with the grid lines. Now imagine that every intersection has a small sphere.

We know that every object in this world has some gravitational force of its own. And yes we also do, but earth outruns us in this as we are too close to it, so u don't feel the attraction of the other person on you. So as long as the spheres are in position, they will not move, because each sphere is exerting equal gravitation pull on each other. Hence they tend to stay in that position for ever.  Now if any one sphere vanishes,there will be no equilibrium. The spheres around the empty space will experience an unbalance in the gravitational force. And they spheres which are immediate near to the empty space experience the pull and gravity starts to take effect. In a matter of time some balls form a lump here and there. The lumps are not all of same size or mass. but the form. 

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